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We, Shriwing International, are exporters of fruits, vegetables and spices. We have a range of products supplied in various quantities to meet the needs of customers all over the world.

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 info@shriwing.com    |   Khajuraho, Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh,India
Monday- Saturday, 09:00 am - 05:00 pm

Fresh Mangoes

Fresh Mangoes

Indian mangoes come in various shapes, sizes and colours with a wide variety of flavour, aroma and taste. The Indian mango is the special product that substantiates the high standards of quality and bountiful of nutrients packed in it. A single mango can provide up to 40 percent of the daily dietary fibre needs – a potent protector against heart disease, cancer and cholesterol build –up .In addition, this luscious fruit is a warehouse of potassium, beta- carotene and antioxidants. In India, mangoes are mainly grown in tropical and subtropical regions from sea level to an altitude of 1,500m. Mangoes grow best in temperatures around 27˚C.
Unique product identification system, compliant to the traceability networking and Residue Monitoring Plan has been developed for the consumer safety and readiness to product recall in case of any emergency.

Varieties of Indian Mangoes

India is the home of about 1,000 varieties. However, only a few varieties are commercially cultivated throughout India. Most of the Indian mango varieties have specific eco - geographical requirements for optimum growth and yield. The Northern/Eastern Indian varieties are usually late bearing compared to Southern and Western Indian varieties. Some of the local varieties of mango bear fruits throughout the year in extreme southern parts of India.